Student Financial Services

Our Services

  • Student Financial Services is responsible for the issuance of student refunds as well as Short-Term Emergency Loans.  If the student has not signed up for direct deposit (ACH) a check will be issued for all refunds and Short-Term Loan disbursements.
  • Student Financial Services will assist students who have questions concerning their refunds and analysis of their accounts regarding refund activity.
  • If a direct deposit transaction is returned by the bank, Student Financial Services will notify the student and discuss available options.
  • If a mailed check is lost, missing or stolen, Student Financial Services will process your stop payment request and re-issue the funds.
  • Student Financial Services also processes all student waivers.
cashiers office

Cashier's Office

In-person payment options, along with Refunds, Installments Plans and Student Accounting.


Online Payments

Information about the four online payment options, along with our Make a Payment tutorial.


Payment Plans

Learn about plan options and how to enroll.

student financial services

Refunds & Direct Deposit

Refund process information, including Direct Deposit, Check by Mail, and Credit/Debit Card Refunds.

Student Fees

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory systemwide fees will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 - 66028.6 of the Education Code).

Important Reminders

  • Student Financial Services is responsible for Payment plans for student fees at the start of each term, including the generation of reminder notices in advance of upcoming installments.
  • As an alternative to payments in person at the Cashier's Office windows, we also accept payments by mail or online at
    • A 2.65% non-refundable convenience fee ($3 minimum) is charged to all credit card and debit card payments. This fee goes directly to the third party processor Transact SmpartPay. Credit and debit cards are not accepted at the cashier’s window. Students who want to pay by credit card will need to do so online at
  • Students are fully responsible for meeting all payment deadlines. In lieu of a bill, students are expected to review their student account regularly. Failure to make payment in full or establish a payment plan by the deadline may result in dis-enrollment from courses.
  • Students who did not apply for Financial Aid or have not met the University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards are required to pay their own fees or establish a payment plan by the deadline or they may be dis-enrolled from courses. Students are required to check their student account via the my.CSUDH portal regularly.


Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)

Electronic Check Payments, processed through EFT.

Explanation of Mandatory Fees

Explanation of mandatory “Other Registration Fees.”

Tax Information

Form 1098-T, Hope Tax Credit, and Lifetime Learning Tax Credit. 

Term Fees Information

Fees by Academic Term, including Western Undergraduate Exchange fees.